“Techno-R” Technology in Teaching the Students of Linguistic Direction the Latin Language

Author Name(s): Elena K. Kuzmina, Valentina N. Vassilieva, Alsu F. Valeeva, Elena R. Porshneva
Author Email: lenysinka@yandex.ru


In this article the content of pilot study on the Techno R technology developed at the Kazan Federal University is stated. Authors showed specifics of use of the given technology in teaching Latin to form the language competence. Latin lost communicative function of a living language, but kept the cultural and educational value. Studying the Latin is necessary at assimilation of modern Romance languages. It should be noted that both the phonetic and grammatical phenomena of modern Romance languages can be acquired students only on the basis of studying the Latin. In article the authors studied the scientific base of technology presented by the theory of an interiorization intellectual P. Y. Galperin’s actions, the theory of transfer and methods informatively – practical activities in the field of training in foreign languages. The principles of remedial Techno R technology, its thematic and operational structures are shown in article. Authors developed experimental material for check of efficiency of remedial Techno R technology in formation of language competence on Latin material. Experimentally obtained data were subjected to statistical processing by a method of mathematical statistics “Student’s T-criterion”. The received value of T-criterion> 2 says about efficiency of Techno R technology in teaching Latin.


Latin as an integral part of fundamental higher education is a factor of formation of the language personality in the conditions of the globalization processes happening in a modern language picture of the world. One of the theoretical purposes of teaching Latin in Liberal Arts College is development at pupils of the relation to lingua Latina as to language of historical resources, philosophical treatises, its perception as language foremother, a uniform source of Romance languages which 720 million inhabitants of the globe speak. The culturological and historical background of development of language, division of Romance languages into subgroups proceeding from linguistic and cultural and historical reasons, are visually presented in N. Ostler’s work as “Ad Infinitum” [1]. Latin is necessary when studying modern Romance languages as history of these languages, many phonetic and grammatical phenomena, and features of lexicon can be understood only on the basis of knowledge of Latin. It relates also to the German languages (English, German) because Latin exerted a great influence on their grammatical and lexical system. Studying the classic language promotes increase in linguistic education of future expert in the field of language, creates prerequisites for expansion of the training opportunities of the linguistic disciplines involving students in various cogitative and speech activity. In the course of formation of linguistic base and speech skills acquaintance to Latin allows to track emergence and development of the Romance languages learned by students in higher education institution.

Knowledge of Latin helps to realize language as system, to master Indo-European language categories, to be guided in all-linguistic problems. As the classic written language of Indo-European system, Latin is a key to understanding of the modern languages, helps to comprehend their similarity and distinctive features. It is a basis of the European education – in Latin within two millennia the people of Europe created the culture. During Studying the Latin there is an increase in level of all-linguistic competences, horizons and scientific erudition of students are broadened. Language basis facilitates studying the living foreign languages in lexical and grammatical plans. Systematically there is an increasing knowledge of the native language, the base of vocational training of students is put, and their common cultural level develops. The developing value has studying the grammatical categories and syntactic designs which are available or absent in other languages. The logical thinking of trainees is under construction on the basis of the understanding of inflectional character of Latin and free words order in the sentence demanding conscientiousness and scrupulousness of the translation of texts.

Poll of the students learning Latin revealed linguistic difficulties which they experience when studying this language. Meaning that at department of Romance philology of Institute of philology and cross-cultural communication of Leo Tolstoy of the Kazan federal university the remedial technology under the name “Techno R” is developed (the abbreviation of “techno” designates technology, “Р” designates result), we, being on the way of search of an effective technique of teaching Latin, decided to apply this technology in educational process, through experimental check. Authors of this technology [2,3] consider that it considerably increases quality of education. Justification of this opinion is stated [4] earlier. Pilot studies were conducted both at comprehensive school, and in higher education institution on the example of training in French [2]. Authors believe that this technology is applicable to training in any language. Let’s give basic provisions of Techno R technology. Its scientific base is the theory of transfer, the theory of intellectual actions of P. Y. Galperin and the theory of methods of informative practical activities of the Kazan didactic school [3]. Basic principles of technology following:

  • Principle of shipping of knowledge, skills, abilities, ways of intellectual actions;
  • Principle of generality of educational tasks;
  • Principle of stage-by-stage formation of language and speech competences.

The Techno R technology consists of eight thematic blocks (lexicon, grammar, phonetics, spelling, audition, speaking, reading and the letter [2]. The first four blocks are intended for formation of language competence, the second four blocks reflect types of speech activity and are directed to formation of speech competence.

  • In the operational plan structure of technology following:
  • Statement of an educational task (teacher);
  • Studying an approximate basis of a linguistic phenomenon (joint activity of the teacher and trainee);
  • A training in performance of a task (independently or under the leadership of the teacher);
  • Control actions for identification of level of the acquired training material;
  • Determination of level of the formed competence, both the teacher, and the student.

As Latin has general education value, is an independent subject matter, before us its side of the general education subject forming language competence reveals. According to mission of Latin in educational space our research fits into the block of formation of language competence of Techno R technology.


  1. On the basis of the conducted pilot study efficiency of Techno R technology in teaching Latin as to a general education subject of a humanitarian cycle, namely, in formation of language competence in antique languages is established.
  2. The Techno R technology is based on generalization of educational tasks that allows students to carry out transfer on new educational tasks on the basis of the fact that the mechanism of transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities generalization is.
  3. The Techno R technology developed at the Kazan federal university is not in a conflict with other known technologies as its mission consists in correction of knowledge, skills and abilities in acquisition of foreign languages. It is successfully combined with communicative, information, game, modular, design and other technologies. Its application is effective not only in training in living foreign languages, but also classic languages.


The research is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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