Social-Demographic Losses Inflicted By Infant Death-Rate in Republic of Ingushetiya

Author Name(s): Artur A. Almukhametov, Anas A. Gilmanov,Aleksandr I. Glushakov,Magomedbashir H. Balaev, Ildar R. Iskandarov
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The paper is devoted to assessment of changes of the main social and demographic parameters and calculation of economic losses under the influence of infant death rate. For this purpose we have built two tables to obtain death rate for Republic Ingushetia based on materials for 2014. First table is formed under existing level of death rate; the second table presents the level for infants with the age of up to full 1 year of life. Results and discussion have shown that the death of infants leads to reducing a remaining life expectancy of newborns (about 1.21-1.42 for boys and 0.76-1.48 for girls); duration of the able-bodied period (by 0.66-0.77 for males and 0.35-0.69 for females) and the forthcoming labor activity (about 1.6-1.9% for males and 0.9–1.8% for females); results for reproduction of the population (by 0,7–1,8%); and amount of a social production for 1.47%. Conclusion was that approximate “cost” of one death till 1st year of life taking into account the half-received public product has amounted 6.532 million rubles.


The death of a child at the very beginning of his or her life path, which is the death in the period of infancy, is not only a humanitarian loss for his or her parents and society, but also the loss of a his or her entire life and its labor part, during which the future citizen could take part in the creation of wealth for his or her country.The purpose of this study is to assess changes in the main socio-demographic parameters and calculate economic losses due to infant mortality.


The socio-demographic losses inflicted by the death of infants in the Republic of Ingushetia consist in a reduction of:

  • The life expectancy of a newborn (by 1.21-1.42 years for males and by 0.76-1.48 years for females);
  • Duration of stay in the working age (by 0.66-0.77 years for males and 0.35-0.69 years for females) and the duration of future work (by 1.6-1.9% for males and 0.9-1.8% for females);
  • Results of population reproduction (by 0.7-1.8%);
  • The volume of social production by 1.47% (or 586.5 million rubles).

The estimated “cost” of one death before the first year of life, taking into account the social product in the Republic of Ingushetia which has not been received and prices in 2014 amounted to 6.532 million rubles.


The work is carried out according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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