Network Communities of Destructive Direction in Social Networks of Runet

Author Name(s): *Andrey V.Ivanov, Timur Z. Mansurov, Andrey G. Bolshakov, Natalia A.Shibanova
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The aim of the study is to identify the place and role of youth online communities in the design of ultra-radical concepts of social networks. Some characteristics, aspects and trends of youth of destructive communication in the social network Vkontakte are given. Virtual communication is seen as a special form of social interaction on the Internet.

The study is interdisciplinary. When studying the network virtual space, the authors used the structural-functional and social-cultural approach.

The term “new media”, which is regarded as an integral part of the Internet space was updated. Technological features of new media give the opportunity to effectively mobilize the people for any constructive or destructive actions.

Social networks and media hosting are the main venue for the ultra-radical organizations, which use the technologies of information warfare, especially against young people, in the virtual space. Internet communication has some basic characteristics as interactivity, multimedia and autonomy.

Not only conformal or non-political structures are the examples of social self-organization of young people, but also destructive communication strategy and communities in the network space. Destructive network type of communication goes from virtual reality to objective reality, which allows ultra-radical groups to begin asserting themselves in the Internet, and then to go beyond virtual reality and transform into various forms of extremist behavior of young people in real space.

Ultra-radical content in the online space is destructive ideological concept, which lays the motives of political, ideological, racial, national, religious hatred, xenophobia or hatred against any ethnic, religious or social group.


The virtual network space is becoming a key platform for running a variety of positive technologies, but also for the formation of destructive youth environment through the introduction of ultra-radical concepts of various political forces.

The revolutionary process of a qualitative change in the information environment is the main vector of development of modern Russian society and the world[1], that is a blessing itself, but sometimes also leads to the emergence of new forms of distribution of virtual extremism in the youth environment on various Internet sites.

A theoretical understanding of the characteristics of the application of communicative strategies in the dissemination of ultra-radical concepts of social networks [2] among young people, as a factor of formation of the destructive manifestations in the environment is required.


In the modern network space extremist manifestations may find their expression in the organization of online communities in social networks, which reach audiences of tens of millions of citizens. “VKontakte” is the most popular social Internet resource for the young generation in the Russian Federation. On this resource you can find a huge number of different radical movements, the number of which reaches from a few people to tens of thousands of users.

Among the fundamental factors of the evolution of youth extremism it is possible to note the virtual socio-communicative change and growth of the global information society, the rapid development of innovative means of mass communication, primarily the Internet. The modern Russian lives this way, and it would be a great mistake to think that this virtual context doesn’t have a major impact on it.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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