Improving Professional Speech Culture of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature

Author Name(s): Аnna A. Larionova, Tatyana A. Korneyeva, Zulfiya F. Yusupova, Landysh G. Latfullina4
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The article proposed is devoted to the study of typical mistakes in speech of the students-philologists passing the pedagogical practice in the Russian language and the development of practical recommendations on forming the professional speech culture of future teachers-philologists in the context of recommendations of the teacher’s professional standard and on the basis of modern scientific research in pedagogical rhetoric, pedagogical speech, orthology and communication theory. The paper presents the sample analysis results of the statements of students-trainees and teachers of the Russian language. The study purpose is to develop practical recommendations for improving the professional speech culture of teachers-philologists. The leading research methods included such as analysis, observation, comparison, generalization. We classified and described intonation, speech, grammatical, logical, ethical, communicative and other errors in the speech of students. Our conclusions: more attention should be paid to the study of some features of speech behavior and speech impact of leading teachers with subsequent analysis, to the inclusion of the intonation drawing of the lesson (for beginner teachers) in the lesson abstract (technological map of a lesson), to the fixing of individual difficulties with subsequent correction in training the teachers-philologists. The materials of this article are of practical value for improving the work on forming the subject and professional competencies of the teacher-philologist in the conditions of introducing the professional standard of a teacher.


The relevance of this topic is conditioned by the new requirements for the preparation of the Russian language teacher, set out in the draft concept and content of the professional standard of a teacher published on February 15, 2013 by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the requirements of the FSES (Federal State Education Standards) for the content and organization of educational process in the modern school, the persistent attention of a wide scientific and pedagogical community to the relevant issues of orthology and the problems of teaching the Russian language and speech culture in the educational institutions of various types, as well as the existing contradictions between school and scientific grammar. The research issue is in revealing typical mistakes in speech of the students-philologists passing the pedagogical practice in the Russian language and the development of practical recommendations on forming the professional speech culture of future teachers-philologists in the context of recommendations of the teacher’s professional standard and on the basis of modern scientific research in pedagogical rhetoric, pedagogical speech, orthology and communication theory.

The study purpose is to develop practical recommendations on improving the professional speech culture of teachers-philologists in the conditions of continuous education and in the context of recommendations of the professional standard of a teacher, as well as recommendations on forming the professional competencies related to increasing the motivation to learn and developing the language culture of students-philologists. The theoretical basis of the study included the works of T.A. Ladyzhenskaya [8], L.A. Vvedenskaya [4], L.K. Graudina [5], E.N. Shyryaeva [5], L.A. Mardieva [13, 18], T.Yu. Shchuklina [13, 18], Z.F. Yusupova [6, 14], T.A. Korneeva [15, 16], the works of I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay [3], V.A. Bogoroditsky [2], G.A. Nikolaev [9], E.A. Balalykina [1], as well as their students and followers.


In connection with the above, work on improving the methodological skills of students, eliminating verbal and methodological mistakes in the formulation of motivational tasks, updating knowledge, skills, creating a problem situation, organizing problem dialogue, pair and group work, independent educational activity, etc., becomes especially important [7, 11, 12, 17, 18].

Conclusions and recommendations. The speech culture of the teacher-philologist is a reflection of his general culture, the breadth of the linguistic outlook and requires constant improvement in the face of ever-changing reality and the new psychological and pedagogical requirements for the educational process. In this regard, more attention should be paid to the study of some features of speech behavior and speech impact of leading teachers with subsequent analysis, to the inclusion of the intonation drawing of the lesson (for beginner teachers) in the lesson abstract (technological map of a lesson), to the fixing of individual difficulties with subsequent correction, to the analysis of own speech behavior with the use of modern audio and video devices, to the analysis of the newest literature on the theory of communication and pedagogical speech, to the formation of professional competence, enhancing motivation for self-learning and self-development in training the teachers-philologists. The requirements for a high level of professional speech culture of a teacher-philologist are not only the most important recommendation of the professional standard of a teacher, but also a requirement for a modern teaching and educational process in the school and university.



The researches performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.



[1] Balalykina E.A. (2012) Metamorphosis of the Russian Word. Study Guide. М.: FLINTA: Nauka, 264 p.

[2] Bogoroditsky V.A. (2005) General Course of Russian Grammar: from the University Readings. М.: KomKniga, 576 p.

[3] Baudouin de Courtenay I.A. (1963) Selected Works on General Linguistics. V. II. М.: Publishing house of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 391 p.

[4] Vvedenskaya L.A. (2008) Rhetorics and Speech Culture: Study Guide for the Students of the Higher Educational Institutions / L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova. Rostov-on-Don: Feniks, 537 p.

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