Educational Internet Resources in Turkic Languages

Author Name(s): Aliya A. Kabirova, Kadriya S. Fatkhullova,Elvira N. Denmukhametova, Kuandik S.Kulmanov
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Internet technology has become an integral part of a modern person’s life. Obtaining the necessary information from online resources and using them for communication expand the horizons of man, provide various opportunities for learning languages. However, there is the impact of the Internet on the functioning and development of the literary language. This article provides an overview of educational Internet resources, allowing distant learning of the Turkic languages, and findштп the necessary information on the various academic disciplines. Using the example of the Tatar language the article shows the most popular among users educational Internet resources that contain additional information on the various school subjects taught in the national (Tatar) language, as well as  sources for self-education.

The purpose of this study was to examine linguistic features of the material of such educational portals like,, that are Tatar sources in the Runet. In the study the initial analysis and presentation of the material was made by using descriptive method, thematic analysis of the texts was given, and also the availability and style of presentation of materials were evaluated. These portals help teachers in Tatar schools and grammar schools to find modern scientific and popular materials, interactive programs in Tatar language and literature, geography, physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, and other disciplines. Comparative analysis allowed to make a rating of useful and interesting materials for both teachers and students. Through the prism of the interpretative analysis specificity of the different variants of the transformations used for the translation of materials into the Tatar language from other languages was determined. Using the method of continuous sampling, the factual material was selected, there were cases of incorrect transformation, which complicated the perception of information by portal users.

Educational portals in the Tatar language are a modern comprehensive information environment, therefore their use and their study is the most important necessity for all participants of educational process whose aim is to improve professional skills. They serve the development and propagation of the Tatar language as one of the representatives of the Turkic languages that are of interest to a wide range of Internet users.

The results of the study will be useful for both those who are teaching and learning languages and are interested in materials in national languages. It should be said that modern information technology has become an integral part of the educational process in the study of Turkic languages.


The rapid development of science, the rapid updating of information in modern life require an update of conditions in the educational environment. Availability of information base through Internet resources considerably enriches and facilitates the work of both teachers and learners. Time brings about changes in everything, including the traditional ways of teaching languages and other subjects in secondary schools, in the system of secondary special and higher education. It is well known that the introduction of new information and communication technologies increases the access to study many languages, including rare ones, forms a system of open education, changes the understanding of the opportunities available to the person wishing to study the language as a second or foreign. The phenomenon of innovation encompasses not only the creation and diffusion of innovations, but also describes the changes in mindset, life style activities, that these innovations are connected with. Innovation process in language learning is associated with the transition of education to a qualitatively different state, with a revision of outdated rules and regulations, roles of the teacher and students, and often with their revision [1, 2, 3, 10,11 ].

A Turkic language is spoken by approximately 170 million people who live in different countries, and represent around 30 nationalities. Thanks to the Internet modern people can learn these languages with the help of the Runet. For example, on the official website you can test your level of proficiency in Kazakh in online mode, but to study it the Internet portal [4], which provides free services for official language learning will help. On a special website, where the  theoretical and practical courses, online library, and scholarly articles on Uzbek linguistics are placed you can learn the Uzbek language [5]. There are several sites for independent and remote study of the Bashkir language. For example, by using site you can learn the language at the primary level [6]. A model of the efficient and most convenient service for distance learning is the model of online schools teaching the Tatar language “ANA TELE”, which was created in partnership with EF Education First in 2013 . It is a unique opportunity for intensive active mastery of the Tatar language as means of interpersonal and intercultural communication. Advantages of remote schools compared to the traditional form lies in the fact that learning is communication-oriented and is conducted at the levels in accordance with the international language competence; the study material is presented visually; an internal feedback as a mechanism of self-control is provided. Computer technology provides the user with the possibility of individualization and the intensification of high learning [7,8]. The educational process aimed at the development of communicative competence of users, which is understood as the ability to perceive, understand, and generate the statement in the target language within a particular situation [9]. Modern conditions of globalization often lead to the disappearance of the culture on paper. On the one hand, Internet technologies allow you to quickly find information, on the other hand, there is a threat of development of the material from the untrusted source. The creation of educational resources: websites, web pages by the professionals in different scientific areas is a way out of this situation. Uploading the highly-demanded materials in Turkic languages is especially important for us.

The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that the paper first attempts to study the educational Internet resources in Tatar language,, that contain information on different branches of science, including the Tatar world and studies of Tatar language and culture.

We hope that this work is a small contribution to the development of the Tatar linguamethodics, ethnolinguistics, study of the Tatar culturet and it will arise the interest in pedagogical workers, the users of the Tatar Internet resources.


Modern information technology are becoming an integral part of the educational process, as the use of online resources contributes to the intensification and improvement of it’s quality and effectiveness. As a modern educational model, they allow users to improve their language skills, discover new values, to broaden their linguistic horizons and develop communicative culture. Educational portals can be different in scope, objectives and contents, however, they are one of the most modern means of obtaining the necessary information and language learning, as they are most available and time-saving; diverse and colorful in terms of the flow of the material and ensure both its visual and auditory perception. They combine diverse types of information: videos, texts, graphics, animations, and sounds. In our opinion, active development of computer technologies will contribute to the emergence of the new education portals in Turkic languages in the near future.


Work is performed in accordance with the Program of the Government of the Russian Federation for increasing of competitiveness of Kazan Federal University.


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