Determination of Informative Frequency Ranges for Buried Pipeline Location Control

Author Name(s): Sergey A. Nazarychev, Sergei O. Gaponenko , Aleksandr E. Kondratiev
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ANSYS finite element analysis program was selected for calculations. This program obtained a high degree of verification. The method of theoretical research based on harmonic analysis has been determined.

The harmonic analysis is designed to solve the equations of motion in the case of steady-state oscillatory processes (forced oscillations). Three methods are available in order to carry out harmonic analysis in ANSYS system: complete, short and the method of mode superposition.

In order to solve the problem, the method of superposition of modes (MSM) was chosen, which uses natural frequencies and vibration modes to analyze the set forced harmonic oscillations.

The models of pipelines of various geometric sizes were built in ANSYS software package: 2000х40х6 (length 2000 mm, diameter 40 mm, pipe wall thickness 6 mm); 5000х40х6; 8000х40х6; 2000х75х2; 5000х75х2; 8000х75х2; 2000х110х2,2; 5000х110х2,2; 8000х110х2,2; 2000х125х3,1; 5000х125х3,1; 8000х125х3,1; 2000х180х4,4; 5000х180х4,4; 8000х180х4,4; 2000х250х6,2; 5000х250х6,2; 8000х250х6,2; 2000х355х8.7; 5000h355h8.7; 8000x355x8.7; 2000х630х15.4; 5000х630х15.4; 8000х630х15.4; 2000х1000х24,5; 5000х1000х24,5; 8000x1000x24.5 (GOST 18599-2001, GOST R 52134-2003, GOST 10705-91).

Calculations were carried out for all specified pipe sizes of three different materials: polypropylene, polyethylene and steel (St3).

Different depths of pipeline and the nature of soil were modeled by the change of pressure change on its outer shell.


State policy in the field of environmental and industrial safety and new concepts of safety provision and accident-free production processes at economic facilities dictated by the Federal Law “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” No. 116-FL issued on 21.07.1997, the Federal law “On sanitary and epidemiological well-being of population” No. 170-FL issued on 30.03.1999, the Federal law “On

environmental protection” No. 7-FL issued on 10.01.2002 provide, first of all, an objective assessment of hazards and allow us to outline the ways of combat with them. One of the most important areas of safety is the increase of energy efficiency and a reliable operation of various communications, which is provided by the development and the implementation of new more modern methods and the devices for their location monitoring.

The control of buried pipeline location is necessary for construction works, the laying of new communications or for well drilling since there is the question of man-made object exploitation safety increase. Safety is the prerequisite for any work on sites, and a damaged pipeline causes serious danger.

In the age of modern technologies, when a cable route or a pipeline can be shown using 3D modeling with GPS binding. Unfortunately, the issue of a hidden pipeline on a specific section of construction or other works or the absence of it remains extremely relevant. Engineering surveys, the laying of new communications with the digging of trenches and canals, the laying of hidden communications by the method of horizontally directed drilling (HDD) are often threatened with a breakdown or carried out with significant financial costs due to the absence of information or an accidental damage of power cable lines and pipelines. At that, the scope of tasks of contractors is not only limited to the performance of construction and repair works, but also to the provision of detailed information (plans, maps and diagrams) about the location of engineering networks. In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to monitor the location of engineering communications [1-4].


The conducted researches allowed to draw the following conclusions:

  1. Informative frequency ranges of buried pipeline location monitoring have been determined. The pipelines are made of various materials.
  2. Different soil types, depths, materials and lengths of the pipelines under study do not affect the selected resonance frequencies of oscillations.
  3. The selected resonant frequencies are practically linearly dependent on the diameter of the pipeline under study.
  4. The most informative frequency range is 100 – 1100 Hz, in which the selected resonant frequencies of simulated pipelines are located (Fig. 12).

Consequently, the fundamental resonance frequency depends on a pipeline diameter.


Based on the studies, they developed the mathematical model of an object control for recessed polypropylene, polyethylene and steel pipelines at various depths with the diameter of 40 – 1000 mm using the finite element method to determine informative frequency ranges.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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