Analysis and Evaluation of Public-Private Partnership Development in The Field of Historical and Cultural Heritage Sites Preservation in the Regions of Russia

Author Name(s): Ekaterina A. Eremeeva, Tatiana V. Khalilova, Ludmila S. Leontievа, Regina Ye. Yurtayeva4
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This article is devoted to the application of public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms in the field of historical and cultural monument preservation in Russian Federation. Today, the mechanisms of public-private partnership become the fundamental tool for the development of regional and municipal infrastructure, the attraction of investments, and the quality of services improvement provided to the population. The mechanisms of interaction between a state and business can be used in different spheres of the economy. Their implementation in the social sphere is the most relevant, including the field of cultural and historical heritage object preservation, which, on the one hand, need to be restored and protected, and on the other hand, they can generate income. Based on the system approach and the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of economic development of Russia, the article analyzes and assesses the level of public-private partnership development in the field of historical and cultural heritage site preservation in the regions of the Volga Federal District of Russia. They performed the analysis of the conditions created in each of the studied regions for the implementation of public-private partnerships, regulatory framework, etc. Based on the results of the analysis, the problem areas were revealed for the implementation of public-private partnership projects, the recommendations were proposed to improve the mechanisms of public-private partnership in relation to the objects of historical and cultural heritage.


The objects of cultural heritage in modern conditions become an important factor in regional social-economic development. All this necessitates their saving, guarding and restoring. However, the regional mechanism of monument management that has been formed to the present day does not meet the objectives of cultural heritage object preservation and the maximizing of their involvement in economic turnover fully. An effective solution of preservation, functioning and maintenance of historical and cultural heritage objects of Russia can be ensured by the involvement of these objects in economic and cultural circulation through the use of public-private partnerships (PPPs).

In the scientific literature, the study of public-private partnership in the field of historical and cultural heritage conservation has different perspectives of analysis. First of all, these are the works devoted to the substantiation of the interrelation between economy and culture, traditions and social innovations [1, 2, 3]; to the study of actual mechanisms of the state influence on the processes of the cultural heritage preservation [4, 5, 6]. During the analysis of this topic, the authors also relied on the theoretical studies of modern institutional forms of PPPs [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], contributing to the decrease of corruption-related nature of state-civil interactions in the process of cultural heritage object use [13]. Statistical calculations are based on scientific and methodological developments of experts from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation and the Center for PPP development, who conduct a comprehensive assessment of public-private partnership development level in the regions of Russia [14].


Based on the analysis, we can say that the successful use of the PPP mechanism in the field of cultural monuments preservation in Russian Federation requires the following:

  1. The development of legislation at the regional level and Russia in general, taking into account the norms of international law;
  2. Control improvement concerning terms and PPP project costs through the creation of independent centers of expertise;
  3. The creation of a single information center that would accumulate experience and knowledge regarding the implementation of PPP projects;
  4. The stimulation of the authority interest in the implementation of PPP projects. With regard to the activities of executive bodies, it is necessary:

– to determine the procedure of cultural heritage object selection taking into account public opinion;

– to determine a number of indicators for the protection of cultural heritage sites to assess the effectiveness of the executive heads from the authorities of Russian Federation subjects;

  1. Financial incentives for PPP projects by fixing a preferential tax rate on property and a lower rent for the use of PPP object or a land plot.
  2. The development of nationwide monitoring system concerning the state of cultural heritage sites and their use.

The implementation of these proposals will preserve the monuments of cultural and historical heritage, and will also involve them in economic turnover by private investment attraction for their preservation and the development of tourism and business activity in the area of ​​their location.


The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.


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