Scientific and Technological Progress Analysis of Space Technologies

Author Name(s): Adel I. Abdullin, Dinar A. Valeev
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The study of the issues on use and exploration of outer space, which were made possible thanks to the development of new means of technology, required concerted action by different states. International cooperation in space exploration is also promoted by the high cost of research and the economic feasibility of joint projects. Despite the long history of international cooperation in space exploration, today in connection with the rapid development of space research, the involvement of an increasing number of states in space activity, and the emergence of new subjects of international space law, the forms and nature of international cooperation are evolving. In the age of the Internet, of the fourth scientific revolution and the unstable political situation of law and order in the world, it is important for modern society to find diplomatic ways for international communication of states in space exploration. In the proposed paper, the authors consider the history of the main directions of international cooperation in the field of space exploration, their dynamics and features are studied. We study the corresponding doctrine, the scientific literature, and international sources of outer space law dedicated to the raised issues. The authors analyse the history, concept, legal nature of international space law, the evolution of forms of international cooperation, the international regulatory framework for international cooperation in space. The paper presents the historical trends of the international interaction of states in space exploration, analysis of not only the legal, but also the technological component of the problem, the study of the specifics of the interaction between international scientific cooperation and the emergence of outer space law, the results of studying the main trends and forms of the dynamics of international space law. In conclusion, the authors draw their own opinion aimed at solving the analysed topic.


The history of international cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space has long origins and various reasons. Space scientists have long felt the need for interaction among themselves since the subject of research is so vast that it is almost impossible for people of science in one country to achieve high results without communicating with each other. In addition, the reason for the development of scientific and technical cooperation in space exploration is that the interaction of technical, scientific and material resources of states allows us to quickly solve the most complex problems that arise in people in the process of space exploration, while avoiding unnecessary repetition and waste of economic funds and human strength. These reasons focus states towards the creation of coordinated or common space programs, as well as joint efforts and the expansion of international cooperation. Despite numerous studies in the field of international cooperation, at the moment there is no single approach to the legal nature of international cooperation in the field of space exploration, there are no sources devoted to the interaction between the history of space law and international cooperation in the scientific field. As a result, the evolution of international cooperation forms in space exploration causes interest and debate, as before.


s The process of the emergence of a new field of law, namely, international space law, was far from smooth and not without the resistance of certain positions of scientists or states. Law, technology, politics, science, cooperation and the struggle of ideologies on the world stage here represent a single system. That is why years of long preparation and heated debate took to develop norms that sometimes seemed quite obvious. However, the history of the international space law emergence is a history of the peaceful coexistence of many states and an example of international cooperation. In comparison with many branches of international public law, international space has developed peacefully and on the sidelines of international organizations. In this area, it did not take much time to understand the importance of creating special international regulatory acts on space exploration. Just 10 years from the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite and the creation of the Outer Space Treaty, it took preparation and discussion of the creation of a new branch of law. In a short time, the path was passed from the theory of “legal vacuum” to the creation of a specialized system of norms that regulate relations between states in space exploration and establish the legal regime of celestial bodies

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