Role of the “Green” Philosophy and Bionics on the Development of EcoDesign Clothing

Author Name(s): Klara H. Karamova, A. Mukhametshin, Madina M.Makhmutova, Salavat F. Usmanov
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The article is devoted to the fundamental role and evolution of costume in human ethnography , its material and spiritual culture, public relations and family life, the disclosure of its nature-like characteristics and the impact on the development of modern trends in the world of the clothing industry. Folk costume as one of the most essential types of decorative and applied art is of the greatest interest and fully embodies the diverse connections of a person with the outside world. Its design is one of the most dynamic types of the whole variety , all changes in the life of society are reflected in it through the use of current signs and symbols. The authors carried out the systematic work on the study of “Green” philosophy, the principle of respectful management of the environment. Careful attitude to nature and the search for means of preserving the environment through eco-design clothing, unique ways to improve the eco-system and acute pollution control due to the use of natural and eco-materials in fabrics and clothing are taken into consideration. The laws of shaping in the design of the national costume in the context of “Green” philosophy and bionics together with the historical method allow to consider the evolution of the formation and accumulation of knowledge about bionic principles and formulate its fundamental importance for the development of artistic culture.


Nowadays processes of integration, mechanization and standardization are not only characteristics that help huge corporations to achieve quick results, but also major factors leading to sad consequences which manifested themselves not only in the formation of modern clothing, but also in other areas, for example, in standard buildings. We must admit that a great amount of objects that have already lost their individuality together with low-quality artificial materials that appeared recently cause no positive emotions and aesthetic pleasure, but have a serious negative impact on human perception. Many environmental issues excite the minds of mankind and today have acquired the character of an international catastrophe. The problem of how to get rid of the harmful effects on a person of this phenomenon, or the search for the possibility of its leveling, has become a painful one. The promotion of ecology conservation ideas, both culturally and scientifically, will be fruitful. Among such powerful art forms as television and cinema, there is fashion design. Fashion should be in tune with the environment and concern for nature.


Eco-design clothing is not just fashion. There are a number of problems that are solvable only with the effective promotion of the idea of sustainable development and the introduction of an appropriate system of training in educational institutions to foster an ecological and healthy lifestyle. Modern production should minimize the harm caused to the environment, making a choice in favor of creating beautiful, practical and convenient things made from local materials according to long-established technologies. Clothing is an important part of the culture of the people, along with its traditions, customs, music and national cuisine. Reunion with nature is the most important thing for eco-style, for bionics, for a comfortable existence of a modern person who lives in a world of high speeds in the era of nanotechnology dawn, therefore he turns again and again to nature asking for advice. Engineers are searching for technical solutions, studying the structure and functions of living organisms, the designers from time to time “consult” with wildlife, the ingenuity of which knows no boundaries, and it forces the Man to learn from their ancestors, observing nature and introducing them into their safe living space. Bionic structures shaping the costume make it possible to endlessly balance between artificial and natural form, they define new conditions for the industrial production of garments. Clothing is an essential part of the culture of humans along with its traditions, customs, music, etc. As a result of copying the structures of nature, systems can be created, firstly, performing specified functions, secondly, performing these functions with the highest possible perfection, and thirdly, being organically coherent spatial systems. Consequently, this approach involves the identification of the laws of the formation and functioning of the systems of nature, the specifics of the structural-functional relations and the subsequent use of these laws in the design of a suit.

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