Fears was noted on these pages alphabetically because of the the medical or scientific title

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Fears was noted on these pages alphabetically because of the the medical or scientific title

Agraphobia– Concern about intimate abuse

If you are looking getting a specific concern (concern with bots, concern with pet, etc), look at the range of fears because of the class

Postings underlined may indicate other more serious panic disorders like OCD. Particular fears may also suggest self-esteem items, PTSD otherwise forms of abuse. Delight select “Regarding the Phobias” for more information

Ablutophobia– Concern with washing or baths. Acarophobia– Concern with irritation otherwise of insects that cause itching. Achluophobia– Concern about dark. Acousticophobia– Concern about noise. Acrophobia– Concern with levels. Aeroacrophobia– Fear of open higher towns. Agateophobia– Concern with insanity. Agliophobia– Concern with aches. Agoraphobia– Fear of open areas otherwise to be for the crowded, public venues such as for example markets. Agrizoophobia– Concern about wildlife. Agyrophobia– Anxiety about roadways otherwise crossing the street. Aichmophobia– Concern with needles otherwise pointed stuff. Ailurophobia– Fear of kittens. Albuminurophobia– Fear of kidney condition. Alektorophobia– Concern with birds. Algophobia– Fear of serious pain. Alliumphobia– Anxiety about garlic. Allodoxaphobia– Fear of feedback. Altophobia– Anxiety about heights. Amathophobia– Anxiety about dirt. Amaxophobia– Concern with operating in a car. Ambulophobia– Concern with walking. Amnesiphobia– Fear of amnesia. Amychophobia– Concern with scratches or becoming scraped. Anablephobia– Anxiety about finding out about. Androphobia– Concern with boys. Angrophobia – Concern with fury otherwise to become enraged. Anthropophobia– Anxiety about people or society. Antlophobia– Fear of floods. Anuptaphobia– Fear of existence unmarried. Aphenphosmphobia– Concern about are moved. Apiphobia– Fear of bees. Apotemnophobia– Fear of individuals having amputations. Arachibutyrophobia– Concern with peanut butter sticking with the fresh roof of your throat. Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia– Anxiety about bots. Arithmophobia– Fear of quantity. Arrhenphobia– Concern with men. Arsonphobia– Concern about fire. Asthenophobia– Anxiety about fainting otherwise weakness. Astraphobia otherwise Astrapophobia– Fear of thunder and you can lightning. Asymmetriphobia– Concern about asymmetrical things. Ataxophobia– Fear of disease or untidiness. Atelophobia- Concern about imperfection. Athazagoraphobia– Fear of becoming forgotton otherwise forgotten otherwise neglecting. Atomosophobia– Fear of nuclear explosions. Atychiphobia– Concern about incapacity. Autodysomophobia– Concern with one that has actually an excellent vile scent. Automatonophobia– Anxiety about ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic pets, wax statues Automysophobia– Concern with getting dirty. Autophobia– Concern about becoming alone or regarding oneself. Aviophobia or Aviatophobia– Anxiety about flying.

Bacillophobia- Concern about microorganisms. Bacteriophobia– Concern about bacterium. Bathophobia- Anxiety about depth. Batophobia– Concern about levels or being near to high structures. Batrachophobia– Concern about amphibians, such as Virginia Beach escort for example frogs, newts, salamanders, etcetera. Belonephobia– Anxiety about pins and you will needles Bibliophobia– Concern with books. Blennophobia– Concern with slime. Bogyphobia– Fear of bogeys or the bogeyman. Botanophobia– Concern with flowers. Bromidrosiphobia otherwise Bromidrophobia– Fear of muscles scents. Brontophobia– Concern with thunder and you can lightning. Bufonophobia– Concern about toads.

Contreltophobia– Concern with intimate discipline

Carpophobia – concern about wrists Cardiophobia– Concern with the heart. Carnophobia– Concern about animal meat. Catagelophobia– Fear of are ridiculed . Catoptrophobia– Concern about mirrors. Cenophobia or Centophobia– Fear of new stuff otherwise ideas. Ceraunophobia – Anxiety about thunder and lightning. Chaetophobia– Concern about tresses. Chemophobia– Concern with chemicals or coping with chemicals. Chiraptophobia– Fear of becoming touched. Chirophobia– Fear of give. Chiroptophobia– Anxiety about bats. Chorophobia– Concern with moving.

Chronophobia– Concern about future Claustrophobia- Fear of restricted spaces. Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia– Concern about being secured into the a closed place. Cleptophobia– Fear of stealing. Climacophobia– Concern about staircase, hiking, or off shedding downstairs.. Coimetrophobia– Concern about cemeteries.. Coprastasophobia– Anxiety about irregularity. Coprophobia– Concern about feces. Coulrophobia– Concern about clowns. Cyberphobia– Concern with machines otherwise doing a pc.. Cynophobia– Fear of dogs or rabies. Cypridophobia otherwise Cypriphobia – Fear of prostitutes otherwise venereal problem.

Decidophobia– Anxiety about making decisions. Defecaloesiophobia– Fear of fantastically dull bowels movements. Deipnophobia– Fear of eating or dining conversations. Dementophobia– Fear of madness. Demonophobia or Daemonophobia– Concern with demons. Demophobia– Concern about crowds of people. Dentophobia– Concern with dental practitioners.. Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia otherwise Dermatopathophobia– Concern about skin disorder.. Diabetophobia– Anxiety about diabetes. Didaskaleinophobia– Concern with browsing college. Dikephobia– Fear of fairness.. Dipsophobia– Anxiety about ingesting. Dishabiliophobia– Anxiety about getting undressed facing someone. Disposophobia– Concern with throwing posts out. Hoarding. Doraphobia– Concern with fur or skins of pet. Doxophobia– Concern about saying viewpoints or off getting compliment. Dysmorphophobia– Concern with deformity. Dystychiphobia– Anxiety about injuries.

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