Computation of Groundwater Draft for Handri River Basin in Andhra Pradesh, India

Author Name(s): D Gouse Peera, R. Bhavani
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In India assessment of groundwater is based on guidelines of Groundwater Estimation Committee which is formed by government of India. Groundwater assessment involves groundwater draft. For computation of groundwater draft various data is required. Data includes area, canal particulars, well particulars, depth to water level bgl (m), water bodies, area irrigated under groundwater under surface water, recharge. For computation of groundwater draft Groundwater Estimation Committee methodology is used in the present study. The study area considered for assessment of groundwater resources is Handri river basin, a tributary of Tungabadra river in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. In this paper draft is computed for monsoon and nonmosoon seasons and considered commanded area only. draft computed for watersheds which are fall in river basin for commanded area only. Different mathematical models are used for computation of draft. Data is collected from various departments namely Central Ground Water Board, Agriculture department, Panchayat raj Department.


Present methodology is based on recommendations of Groundwater Estimation Committee which is formed by government of India. In the present study only gross groundwater draft is estimated. For computation of gross groundwater draft various data is required. Data includes village data, canal particulars, well particulars, depth to water level bgl (m), water bodies, area irrigated with groundwater and surface water, recharge. Gross groundwater draft is computed for various factors such as gross groundwater draft for irrigation, annual gross groundwater draft for irrigation, annual gross groundwater draft for all uses, gross groundwater draft for all uses during monsoon season, current annual gross groundwater draft for irrigation per unit area, current annual gross groundwater draft for all uses per unit area. [5] This groundwater draft is used for recharge calculations by different methods such as Water Table Fluctuation Method and Rainfall Infiltration Factor method which is recommended by Groundwater Estimation Committee. This groundwater draft may be computed for command area, non-command area and poor groundwater quality area for both monsoon season and non-monsoon season.


Groundwater draft computations are carried out based on recommendations of Groundwater Estimation Committee (GEC). But groundwater draft values are estimated for command area only. These values are helpful in assessment of groundwater. [11] Present study carried out for limited available data

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