Zuccarello, M; Lee, B H; Rapoport, Roentgen Meters (2000

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Zuccarello, M; Lee, B H; Rapoport, Roentgen Meters (2000

) Hypocapnic constraint in bunny basilar artery in the vitro: creating of the N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine monoacetate and you will requirement for endothelin-step one and you can alkalosis. European record out of pharmacology, , 401 (dos ) ,213-nine

Neurological look, , twenty two (2 ) ,204-8

) Less verapamil inhibition away from endothelin-1-limited rabbit basilar artery due to increased low L-types of California(2+)-channel-depending constriction. Standard pharmacology, , thirty-five (step one ) ,11-5

Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Rapoport, Roentgen Meters (2000. ) Part regarding No in endothelium-based leisure from bunny basilar artery within the situ.

) Endothelin-step 1 mediates hypocapnic constraint of your own bunny basilar artery in-vitro. The fresh Journal regarding drugstore and you can pharmacology, , 52 (dos ) ,225-six

) Very early surgery for supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhage: an effective randomized feasibility analysis. Stroke; a record out of mental movement, , 31 (nine ) ,1833-nine

Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Rapoport, Roentgen M (1999. ) Do blockade out of endothelinB1-receptor activation boost endothelinB2/endothelinA receptor-mediated constraint regarding rabbit basilar artery? .Record out of cardiovascular pharmacology, , 33 (5 ) ,679-84

Broderick, J P; Adams, H P; Barsan, W; Feinberg, W; Feldmann, E; Grotta, J; Kase, C; Krieger, D; skiing, J Yards; Zuccarello, Meters (1999. ) Recommendations for the handling of impulsive intracerebral hemorrhage: An announcement for healthcare benefits from an alternate creating gang of the fresh Heart attack Council, Western Cardiovascular system Association. Stroke; a diary of mental movement, , 30 (4 ) ,905-15

Wagner, K Roentgen; Xi, G; Hua, Y; Zuccarello, M; de- Courten-Myers, Grams Yards; Broderick, J P; Brott, T Grams (1999. ) Ultra-very early clog aspiration after lysis with tissue plasminogen activator when you look at the a great porcine brand of intracerebral hemorrhage: edema avoidance and you will blood-notice hindrance cover. Journal of neurosurgery, , 90 (step three ) ,491-8 More info

Romano, A; y, N; de- Courten-Myers, G; Zuccarello, Yards (1999. ) Cervical subarachnoid hematoma out-of unfamiliar resource: case declaration. Acta neurochirurgica, , 141 (10 ) ,1115-eight

Zuccarello amateurmatch MobilnГ­ strГЎnka, M; Boccaletti, R; Rapoport, R M (1998. ) Endothelin Mais aussi(B1) receptor-mediated amusement away from bunny basilar artery. Western european journal regarding pharmacology, , 357 (1 ) ,67-71

Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Romano, A; Rapoport, Roentgen Meters (1998. ) Endothelin B receptor antagonists attenuate subarachnoid hemorrhage-caused cerebral vasospasm. Stroke; a journal out of cerebral stream, , 30 (nine ) ,1924-9

Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Rapoport, Roentgen Meters (1998. ) Endothelin Ainsi que(B) receptor-mediated constraint on bunny basilar artery. Eu diary of pharmacology, , 350 (step one ) ,R7-9

Ta?demiroglu, E; Nazek, M; Zuccarello, M (1997. ) Sarcoidosis dentro de-plaque. Report off a situation and you can post on new literary works. Neurosurgical review, , 20 (4 ) ,269-73

Zuccarello, M; Boccaletti, R; Tosun, M; Rapoport, R Yards (1996. ) Part out of extracellular Ca2+ when you look at the subarachnoid hemorrhage-created spasm of your own bunny basilar artery. Stroke; a log regarding emotional flow, , 27 (ten ) ,1896-902

Zuccarello, M; Brott, T; Derex, L; Kothari, R; Sauerbeck, L; Tew, J; Van Loveren, H; Yeh, H S; Tomsick, T; Pancioli, A; Khoury, J; Broderick, J (1999

Kothari, Roentgen You; Brott, T; Broderick, J P; Barsan, W Grams; Sauerbeck, L R; Zuccarello, M; Khoury, J (1996. ) The fresh new ABCs away from measuring intracerebral hemorrhage quantities. Stroke; a log out-of mental flow, , 27 (8 ) ,1304-5

Zuccarello, M; Soattin, G B; Lewis, A I; Breu, V; Hallak, H; Rapoport, Roentgen Meters (1996. ) Reduction from subarachnoid hemorrhage-created cerebral vasospasm by dental government regarding endothelin receptor antagonists. Log regarding neurosurgery, , 84 (step 3 ) ,503-7 Facts

Zuccarello, M; Bonasso, C L; Lewis, An effective I; Sperelakis, N; Rapoport, R Meters (1996. ) Entertainment off subarachnoid hemorrhage-caused spasm of rabbit basilar artery from the K+ channel activator cromakalim. Stroke; a journal out-of cerebral circulation, , 27 (dos ) ,311-6

Taha, J Meters; Crone, K Roentgen; Zuccarello, Meters (1996. ) Infarction regarding an excellent ventricular subependymoma once endoscopy: situation statement. Acta neurochirurgica, , 138 (eleven ) ,1step three62-step three

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