Study of Disorders of the Respiratory Systems Under the Influence of Atmospheric Emissions of the Metallurgical Complex

Author Name(s): Nina N. Zabolotskaya, Ramil T. Nasibullin
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Environmental problems are becoming more acute for modern humanity with every passing year. The quality of atmospheric air is of particular concern. It is polluted by the industrial emissions, car exhaust, energy enterprises and other anthropogenic sources [1]. Atmospheric air is a vital component of the natural environment, an integral part of the environment of human, plants and animals [2]. The environment is one of the significant factors, affecting the body of children, which is in the process of growth and development, and is more susceptible to the influence of various environmental factors [3]. It was revealed, that in the structure of the incidence of child population, the respiratory diseases were the first [10]. The task of the work was to study the features of the course of acute respiratory diseases (ARD) in young children, living in a large industrial center; and in parallel, to conduct a full-scale experiment on growing laboratory rats, which were in similar conditions of atmospheric air pollution from the emissions of metallurgical complex. Since the rat is a model, close to human in terms of response to external influences, it was supposed to study the morphological prerequisites for the course of acute respiratory infections in children. The presence of the pronounced structural changes of mucous membranes, trachea and bronchi in animals, located in the zone of maximum atmospheric pollution, was confirmed experimentally.


There is an increase in the incidence of diseases of respiratory system, sensory organs, and various allergic diseases, in the areas of the greatest air pollution, located near the large industrial enterprises. The main emissions from metallurgical plants are the following: dust, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, a number of hydrocarbons, including phenol, as well as other harmful substances. [4, 13] The state of the atmosphere affects the incidence rates even in different areas of industrial cities [5, 12]. Predisposition to bronchial asthma, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, chronic otitis is 40-60% higher in the areas with high levels of air pollution. Statistical analysis allowed to establish a relationship between the level of air pollution and such diseases as upper respiratory tract diseases, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, emphysema [6, 14]. The task of the work was to study the features of the course of acute respiratory diseases (ARD) in young children, living in a large industrial center, and in parallel, to conduct a full-scale experiment on growing laboratory rats, which were in similar conditions of atmospheric air pollution from the emissions of metallurgical complex. To solve the set tasks, it was necessary to characterize the living environment of sick children; to give clinical and laboratory analysis of the course of acute respiratory diseases in young children; and also to determine the morphological changes in the respiratory tract and organs of immunogenesis in growing young rats, arising under the influence of atmospheric pollution of the metallurgical complex, in experimental conditions.


Thus, the high anthropogenic load of atmospheric emissions of the metallurgical complex on the human environment leads to the significant deteriorations of health of population and, above all, of children. The studies and comparisons of clinical, laboratory and morphological parallels made it possible to determine the prerequisites for the formation of respiratory and immune disorders in young children, living in close proximity to the industrial center.

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