Technology Management of Large Industrial Enterprises

Author Name(s): Anton N. Karamyshev, Aleksej G. Isavnin, Zhanna I. Zaytseva
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Russian companies show significant interest in the implementation and development of process management. This is primarily due to the economic feasibility of its application. Secondly, with the opportunities that open up at each level of development of the process control system. The introduction of the process management technology of the enterprise increases in a fairly short time the efficiency of its activities and competitiveness. Surveys of respondents show that Russian enterprises have an understanding of the economic feasibility of implementing process management since the three driving factors for its implementation are the answers “increasing operational efficiency” (59%) and “reducing costs/increasing profits” (55%). However, a significant part of the projects for the implementation and development of process management do not achieve their goals: a third of respondents note the lack of effect from the implementation of measures to implement process management. For this reason, the identification and analysis of negative factors, as well as the search for ways to reduce their influence, are urgent tasks for industrial enterprises. This article analyzes the most significant factors that destructively affect the development of process control, and provides statistical information on these factors.


The following management process problems can be distinguished: 1. Methodological problems caused by the presence of a dozen methodologies of process management, as well as the lack of a common understanding of the essence of process management and an established conceptual apparatus. 2. Problems at the stage of modeling and documenting business processes. 3. Problems of optimizing business processes. 4. Social problems that arise after the implementation of process management. 5. Problems of increasing the efficiency of the company in general based on process management.


All these problems of implementing process management have a social aspect: they are associated either with groups implementing the process approach, or with company personnel, or with analysts optimizing the company’s business. A critical factor in the successful implementation and development of process management implementation projects is their support from the company’s team and management. Also, a modern socially-oriented economy and the development of civil society increases the importance of the issues of forming the image and reputation of corporations. For these reasons, company management should pay considerable attention to social factors in the implementation of process management. The growth of labor productivity and the automation of business processes arising from the successful implementation of process management projects lead to the release of a large number of employees, optimization of the number of employees and part-time employment at the enterprise.

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