Hybrid Framework for Web Services on Android Mobile Host

Author Name(s): Kishor Wagh
Author Email: waghks@gmail.com


Growth in Mobile hardware manufacturing and Mobile data services, increases the use of mobile phones in day to day activities for personal work or business transactions. Increased use of mobile phones and mobile connectivity with web services is the new domain in information systems research. The smart phone is a true ubiquitous computing device provides a wide range of services to any time and any place. This paper introduces the novel framework for provisioning web services for smart phones with special focus on access web services through SMS messaging service as well as the HTTP protocol at our mobile Host.


Today is the era of Internet of Things (IoT). The aim of Internet of Things is to connect anything to the Internet. Anything means any device, any valuable thing or important thing such as car key, lucky pen, etc. Internet of Thing enables users to access services anywhere, anytime from any location. This is possible only through Internet, web applications or web services. In future we can see different web services instead of a standalone application. For example, instead of payroll system, it will be payroll service. These services are accessed by users through the Internet. Same time unbelievable development in area of mobile manufacturing, wireless technologies and reduced cost of mobile smart phones and Internet data plans. New wireless communication standards such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) and LTE-Advanced increases data transfer speed, and new polices of IT industry is Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) increasing the use of mobile devices.


It is feasible to deploy web services on android host due to the combination of technologies from the telecommunication, Information Technology, advances in mobile hardware. The use of mobile devices as web service provider is on the rise. To design a novel lightweight hybrid framework for mobile web service provisioning, we have developed the Hybrid framework and presented the details of the implementation. We chose Android and Java as the language platform for implementation of the framework. This framework prototype can run on mobile phones and tablets. More generally, the framework is a step toward to check the feasibility in the open source Android platform at the application level. The proof of concept in terms of feasibility, scalability, efficiency and availability has been achieved by analyzing the performance of mobile host. It was analyzed that from the payload generated by SOAP based web service framework is more as compared to REST based web service framework and this affects the response time. The response time is more in SOAP based web service frameworks because messages are wrapped with SOAP envelop and parser takes more time to parse the request. In REST based framework directly communicate with mobile host through HTTP and parser parse the request quickly. In the scalability analysis, the Mobile Host tested with concurrent access of user and this is compared with the traditional SOAP based framework. It was identified that REST based Hybrid framework is more scalable as compared to the conventional web service framework. When adding more concurrent requests to measure the threshold value, SOAP-based traditional framework starts to reject requests early as compared to REST based Hybrid Framework, SOAP-based consumes more resources as compared to REST. Thus, REST based Hybrid framework is more scalable and reliable than SOAP based traditional framework. This framework also tested for accessing mobile host through SMS messaging as an alternative and it’s a better solution for those who can’t afford wireless internet. The framework also supports alternative ways to access web services without mobile internet through SMS service and these services also work efficiently in low mobile network range areas too. The limitation of this prototype is the SMS cost and when response size is more than 160 characters, it sends a number of messages at a time. It is also providing quick response in low mobile range area. In future mobile host should be accessible through local languages.

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